Volume 50, pp. 182-198, 2018.

Multiple Hermite polynomials and simultaneous Gaussian quadrature

Walter Van Assche and Anton Vuerinckx


Multiple Hermite polynomials are an extension of the classical Hermite polynomials for which orthogonality conditions are imposed with respect to $r>1$ normal (Gaussian) weights $w_j(x)=e^{-x^2+c_jx}$ with different means $c_j/2$, $1 \leq j \leq r$. These polynomials have a number of properties such as a Rodrigues formula, recurrence relations (connecting polynomials with nearest neighbor multi-indices), a differential equation, etc. The asymptotic distribution of the (scaled) zeros is investigated, and an interesting new feature is observed: depending on the distance between the $c_j$, $1 \leq j \leq r$, the zeros may accumulate on $s$ disjoint intervals, where $1 \leq s \leq r$. We will use the zeros of these multiple Hermite polynomials to approximate integrals of the form $\displaystyle \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) \exp(-x^2 + c_jx)\, dx$ simultaneously for $1 \leq j \leq r$ for the case $r=3$ and the situation when the zeros accumulate on three disjoint intervals. We also give some properties of the corresponding quadrature weights.

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Key words

multiple Hermite polynomials, simultaneous Gauss quadrature, zero distribution, quadrature coefficients

AMS subject classifications

33C45, 41A55, 42C05, 65D32

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