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Submissions, acceptance and refereeing

Authors will submit the publications using ETNAs Open Journal System. For detailed instructions see below.

See the "Future Special Vols." page for additional information on planned Special Volumes.

All manuscripts will be refereed. As soon as a manuscript has been accepted for publication in ETNA, it will be entered into the ETNA data base. There are no annual page limitations, and, therefore, we are in a position to publish accepted manuscripts faster than many other journals.

Preparing and submitting the manuscript

1. Preparing the manuscript

Manuscripts for ETNA must be developed using the ETNA LaTeX style file etna.cls. LaTex compilation should be executed by pdflatex (or similar). The version of this package used by ETNA is available in our LaTeX directory.
The file example.tex in this directory contain a documentation and an example for the use of the ETNA LaTeX style, respectively. The example also illustrates how to provide the mandatory keywords and AMS Subject Classification.

ETNA specifics are described in our Guidelines for ETNA manuscripts. To facilitate the editing process, we ask authors to prepare their manuscript following these guidelines.
Thank you very much!

Please note that it may be necessary for the paper's author to revise or reconstruct the paper's graphical illustrations. Accordingly, authors are advised to save the data and the programs that produced the data until their papers are published. Normally, graphic files produced by such programs as MATLAB or Maple can be processed without difficulty.

Authors are encouraged to take advantage of ETNA's capabilities to have supplements to the papers with additional material such as movies or interactive programs. See for example: Vol. 32 (2008), pp. 49-62, Vol. 30 (2008), pp. 128-143, Vol. 26 (2007), pp. 385-420, Vol. 8 (1999), pp. 15-20, Vol. 7 (1998), pp. 124-140.

2. Submissions

By submitting a paper to ETNA, the authors are implicitly stating that the content of the paper is new, it has not been published elsewhere, and it is not beeing considered for publication elsewhere.

Submitted manuscripts should include a line numbering. This can be achieved, for instance, by using the LaTeX package lineno and adding the following code to the LaTeX file preamble: \usepackage{lineno} \linenumbers

Submit a manuscript. (Manual for the submission system: ETNA-how2submit.pdf)

Please contact managing editor Carl Jagels (jagels@hanover.edu) if you have not received a confirmation about your submission within a week.

3. After submission

When a manuscript is submitted to ETNA, the paper is entered in the ETNA log. Questions regarding the manuscript can be sent to etna@ricam.oeaw.ac.at.

Once the paper is accepted, the author will be asked to submit the source files, including any figures, bibliographies, and nonstandard LaTeX packages. The author also will be sent a form for transfer of copyright to ETNA.

Upon receipt of the files and the copyright transfer, the paper will be typeset using the ETNA style file with a PDF output. The PDF version of the manuscript will be published.

4. Software Packages

ETNA accepts software packages as submissions. The software can be submitted either by a link in the accompanying paper to a cloud system or a repository or by sending the software as zip-file to etna@ricam.oeaw.ac.at.
The paper itself is submitted via the usual manuscript submission procedure; see Section 2: Submissions. Please add a comment for the editor that you include a software package.

A software package submitted to ETNA should satisfy the following requirements:

  • The code should be contained in a zip archive. Decompressing the file should create a directory containing the package. The name of the directory should be that of the package, or recall it.
  • The paper should contain no code. A user manual may be attached to the software as a PDF file.
  • The package files should be well documented and indented. The names of files and directories must not contain spaces.
  • Packages written in the following programming languages can be submitted: Matlab (and compatible languages, like Octave), Python, Fortran, C/C++. For other languages, contact a software editor before submission. Unless strictly necessary, program lines should not exceed 80 characters.
  • The package must include:
    • an ASCII file named README.md written according to the template available at README.md
    • the License.md file available at License.md
    If you wish to propose a different license, please contact a software editor. Both files are formatted using the Markdown markup language; see link
  • The installation steps should be clearly outlined in the README.md file. If additional software is needed, a link should be given. The package should include a "tutorial" program to illustrate the package use and verify the correct installation, as well as programs reproducing the numerical results reported in the paper. A graphical user interface is not strictly necessary, but it may help users.
  • Matlab code should pass the "Code Analyzer Report" and the "Code Compatibility Report". They are available in the "Current Folder" window, upper right menu button, "Reports".
  • Accepted packages will be distributed via the journal web site. No updates will be allowed after acceptance, unless serious bug fixes. Authors have the right to distribute a copy of the package via their web page or a public distribution service (github, matlab central, etc.), They may also indicate in the final version of the paper a link to a web page where new releases will be available.