Volume 63, pp. 171-198, 2025.

Order conditions for nonlinearly partitioned Runge-Kutta methods

Brian K. Tran, Ben S. Southworth, and Tommaso Buvoli


Recently, a new class of nonlinearly partitioned Runge–Kutta (NPRK) methods was proposed for nonlinearly partitioned systems of autonomous ordinary differential equations $y' = F(y,y)$. The target class of problems are those in which different scales, stiffnesses, or physics are coupled in a nonlinear way, wherein the desired partition cannot be written in a classical additive or component-wise fashion. Here we use a rooted-tree analysis to derive full-order conditions for NPRK$_M$ methods, where $M$ denotes the number of nonlinear partitions. Due to the nonlinear coupling and thereby the mixed product differentials, it turns out that the standard node-colored rooted-tree analysis used in analyzing ODE integrators does not naturally apply. Instead we develop a new edge-colored rooted-tree framework to address the nonlinear coupling. The resulting order conditions are enumerated, are provided directly for up to fourth order with $M=2$ and third order with $M=3$, and are related to existing order conditions of additive and partitioned RK methods. We conclude with an example that shows how the nonlinear order conditions can be used to obtain an embedded estimate of the state-dependent nonlinear coupling strength in a dynamical system.

Full Text (PDF) [501 KB], BibTeX , DOI: 10.1553/etna_vol63s171

Key words

Runge–Kutta, order conditions, time integration, nonlinear coupling

AMS subject classifications

65L05, 65L06, 65L70