Volume 60, pp. 541-588, 2024.

A stable BIE method for the Laplace equation with Neumann boundary conditions in domains with piecewise smooth boundaries

Peter Junghanns and Concetta Laurita


This paper deals with a new boundary integral equation method for the numerical solution of the exterior Neumann problem for the Laplace equation in planar domains with corners. Using the single layer representation of the potential, the differential problem is reformulated in terms of a boundary integral equation (BIE) whose solution has singularities at the corners. A “modified” Nyström-type method based on a Gauss–Jacobi–Lobatto quadrature formula is proposed for its approximation. Convergence and stability results are proved in proper weighted spaces of continuous functions. Moreover, the use of a smoothing transformation allows one to increase the regularity of the solution and, consequently, the order of convergence of the method. The efficiency of the proposed method is illustrated by some numerical tests.

Full Text (PDF) [567 KB], BibTeX , DOI: 10.1553/etna_vol60s541

Key words

boundary integral equations, Neumann problem, domains with corners, Nyström method

AMS subject classifications

65R20, 45E99, 45F15