Volume 36, pp. 39-53, 2009-2010.
$P$-regular splitting iterative methods for non-Hermitian positive definite linear systems
Cheng-Yi Zhang and Michele Benzi
We study the convergence of $P$-regular splitting iterative methods for non-Hermitian positive definite linear systems. Our main result is that $P$-regular splittings of the form $A=M-N$, where $N=N^*$, are convergent. Natural examples of splittings satisfying the convergence conditions are constructed, and numerical experiments are performed to illustrate the convergence results obtained.
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Key words
Non-Hermitian positive definite matrices, $P$-regular splitting, convergence, SOR methods, preconditioned GMRES
AMS subject classifications
65F10, 15A15, 15F10.