Volume 3 (1995)
Title page
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Table of contents and abstracts
Pages i-iv;
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Orthonormal polynomial vectors and least squares approximation for a discrete inner product
Parallel, synchronous and asynchronous two-stage multisplitting methods
On graded QR decompositions of products of matrices
Adaptive $k$-step iterative methods for nonsymmetric systems of linear equations
Minimal Gerschgorin sets for partitioned matrices II. The spectral conjecture
Minimal Gerschgorin sets for partitioned matrices III. Sharpness of boundaries and monotonicity as a function of the partition
Gaussian quadrature for matrix valued functions on the unit circle
On the correctness of some bisection-like parallel eigenvalue algorithms in floating point arithmetic
First-order system least squares for velocity-vorticity-pressure form of the Stokes equations, with application to linear elasticity
A parallel GMRES version for general sparse matrices