Volume 11, pp. 25-42, 2000.

Perturbation analysis for eigenstructure assignment of linear multi-input systems

M. E. Cawood and C. L. Cox


The state-feedback pole (or eigenvalue) assignment problem is a fundamental problem in control system design. The term eigenstructure denotes the specification of eigenvalues and eigenvectors (or certain properties of the latter). Normally, the eigenvectors are calculated as an intermediate solution. In assignment for multi-input systems, the solution (the feedback matrix) is not unique. However, the solution is unique if the eigenvectors are set. Perturbation bounds are given for multi-input eigenstructure assignment of eigenvalues and eigenvectors occurring in complex-conjugate pairs. Numerical results which support the analysis are also provided.

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Key words

controllable system, state feedback, eigenstructure assignment, multi-input pole assignment, perturbation analysis.

AMS subject classifications

15A18, 65F15, 65F35, 93B55.

Links to the cited ETNA articles

[11] Vol. 4 (1996), pp. 89-105 Volker Mehrmann and Hongguo Xu: An analysis of the pole placement problem. I. The single-input case
[12] Vol. 5 (1997), pp. 77-97 Volker Mehrmann and Hongguo Xu: An analysis of the pole placement problem II. The multi-input case