Volume 45, pp. 524-544, 2016.

An adaptive choice of primal constraints for BDDC domain decomposition algorithms

Juan G. Calvo and Olof B. Widlund


An adaptive choice for primal spaces based on parallel sums is developed for BDDC deluxe methods and elliptic problems in three dimensions. The primal space, which forms the global, coarse part of the domain decomposition algorithm and which is always required for any competitive algorithm, is defined in terms of generalized eigenvalue problems related to subdomain edges and faces; selected eigenvectors associated to the smallest eigenvalues are used to enhance the primal spaces. This selection can be made automatic by using tolerance parameters specified for the subdomain faces and edges. Numerical results verify the results and provide a comparison with primal spaces commonly used. They include results for cubic subdomains as well as subdomains obtained by a mesh partitioner. Different distributions for the coefficients are also considered with constant coefficients, highly random values, and channel distributions.

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Key words

elliptic problems, domain decomposition, BDDC deluxe preconditioners, adaptive primal constraints

AMS subject classifications

65F08, 65N30, 65N35, 65N55

Links to the cited ETNA articles

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