Volume 16, pp. 129-142, 2003.
A block version of BiCGSTAB for linear systems with multiple right-hand sides
A. El Guennouni, K. Jbilou, and H. Sadok
We present a new block method for solving large nonsymmetric linear systems of equations with multiple right-hand sides. We first give the matrix polynomial interpretation of the classical block biconjugate gradient (Bl-BCG) algorithm using formal matrix-valued orthogonal polynomials. This allows us to derive a block version of BiCGSTAB. Numerical examples and comparisons with other block methods are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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Key words
block Krylov subspace, block methods, Lanczos method, multiple right-hand sides, nonsymmetric linear systems.
AMS subject classifications
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